Crime Scene Investigation and Forensic Science Articles

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    Bloodstain Documentation Human Remains, Death Investigation
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    DNA Footwear, Impressions Photography

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  • Accuracy of Area of Origin Analysis on Textured, Wallpaper Surfaces by Gareth Griffiths, Eugene Liscio, Dean Northfield
  • Accuracy of Digital Ellipse Marking for Bloodstain Pattern Analysis by Eugene Liscio, Craig C. Moore
  • Bibliography Project, Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, Scientific Working Group on Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
  • Blood in Murder Investigation, Siniša Franjic
  • Bloodstain Pattern Analysis in Snow by J. David North
  • Bloodstain Patterns on Textile Surfaces: A Fundamental Analysis by Stephen Michielsen, Michael Taylor, Namrata Parekh, Feng Ji
  • Bloodstain Photography by George Schiro
  • Bloodstain Photography, by Christopher Duncan
  • Casting Two-Dimensional Bloody Shoe Prints from Concrete, Fabric, and Human Skin, by Thomas W. Adair
  • Collection and Preservation of Blood Evidence from Crime Scenes by George Schiro
  • Computers vs. Strings in Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation by Daniel J. Rinehart
  • Detecting Blood Patterns in Soil with Luminol Two Years after Deposition, by T.W. Adair, S. Shimamoto, R. Tewes and R. Gabel
  • Detection of Blood Under Painted Surfaces, by Thomas W. Adair
  • Development of a Science Base and Open Source Software for Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, Daniel Attinger. Ph.D.
  • Don't Forget Those Standards!, by the Crime Laboratory Division, Missouri State Highway Patrol
  • Enhancement of Bloodstains on Washed Clothing Using Luminol and LCV Reagents, by Thomas W. Adair and Rebecca L. Shaw
  • Evaluation of Blood Saturation as a Mechanism of Change in Stabbing Defects in Clothing, by Boltman, B; Adair, T.W, and Brown, L
  • The Fluid Dynamics of Droplet Impact on Inclined Surfaces with Application to Forensic Blood Spatter Analysis, G. Paul Neitzel, Marc Smith
  • Fluorescein Method of Latent Blood Detection, by Ricardo Tomboc
  • Latent Blood Prints - Methods For Chemical Enhancement by Don Penven
  • Luminol and the Crime Scene, by Robert R.J. Grispino
  • New Insight into the Chemical Improvement of Shoeprints and Fingerprints Placed with Blood on Non-Porous Surfaces, Theo Velders
  • Quantitative Analysis of High Velocity Bloodstain Patterns by William Ristenpart, Fred Tulleners, Sonya Siu, Jennifer Saifi, Faye Springer
  • Reliability Assessment of Current Methods in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis by Terry Laber, Paul Kish, Michael Taylor, Glynn Owens, Nikola Osborne, James Curran
  • Sample Handling Considerations for Biological Evidence and DNA Extracts, by Theresa F. Spear
  • Using Infrared Photography to Document Clothing Evidence in the Reconstruction of a Homicide by Michael Gorn and Stuart H. James
  • Using Multiple Void Patterns at Crime Scenes to Estimate Area of Origin in Bloodstain Cases, by Jeff Saviano, April Allgood, and Zerah Malone
  • Visualizing Bloodstain Patterns on Dark or Multi-colored, Multi-designed Clothing using Luminol and Adobe Photoshop® Layers by Tom Hill
  • Visualization of Cast-off Patterns Using 3D Modelling Software, by Andy Maloney, Todd Campbell and Jim Killeen

  • Computer Forensics

  • Best Practices for Seizing Electronic Evidence, United States Secret Service
  • Challenges in Modern Digital Investigative Analysis, Ovie Carroll
  • Computer Forensics: Digital Forensic Analysis Methodology, Ovie L. Carroll, Stephen K. Brannon, Thomas Song
  • Digital Evidence in the Courtroom: A Guide For Law Enforcement and Prosecutors, National Institute of Justice
  • Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: On-the-Scene Reference, National Institute of Justice
  • Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for First Responders, National Institute of Justice
  • Forensic Examination of Digital Evidence: A Guide for Law Enforcement, National Institute of Justice
  • Guidelines on Cell Phone Forensics, National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • Investigations Involving the Internet and Computer Networks, National Institute of Justice
  • Mobile Device Forensics: Beyond Call Logs and Text Messages, Daniel Ogden
  • Quality Standards for Digital Forensics, Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity & Efficiency
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    Crime Scene Investigation

  • Applied Basic Concepts...WHAT IT TAKES, by Mike Byrd
  • A Practical Guide to Shooting Scene Preservation for Crime Scene Investigators, by Charles S. DeFrance and Carlo J. Rosati
  • The Correlation and Distinguishment of Vicarious Trauma in Crime Scenes and the Psychological Effects it has on Crime Scene Investigators by Anton Ferraro
  • Basic Stages for a Crime Scene Investigation—Possible Homicide by Don Penven
  • Best Practice Manual for Scene of Crime Examination European Network of Forensic Science Institutes
  • Body Disposal in Homicide Valeria Flores; Hyun Kim, M.A.; Maeve Sielawa, M.A.; Paulina Malinowska, M.A., M.A.; Brian Ramanauskas, M.A.; Duke Becker; Haley LeRoux; Louis B. Schlesinger, Ph.D.; Leonard Opanashuk, J.D.; and Sarah W. Craun, Ph.D.
  • Collection and Preservation of Blood Evidence from Crime Scenes by George Schiro
  • Collection and Preservation of Evidence by George Schiro
  • Creating crime scene 3D model with body wear camera footage by Krzysztof Maksymowicz, Lukasz Szleszkowski, Aleksandra Kuzan, Wojciech Tunikowski
  • Crime Scene Contamination Issues, Hayden B. Baldwin, B.S. and Cheryl Puskarich May, Ph.D.
  • Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforcement, National Forensic Science Technology Center, Bureau of Justice Assistance, and the National Institute of Justice
  • Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforcement, National Institute of Justice
  • Crime Scene Investigation: A Reference for Law Enforcement Training, NIJ
  • Crime Scene Equipment Checklist
  •  Crime Scene Documentation by Steven Staggs
  •  Crime Scene Sketching by Steven Staggs
  • Crime scene and physical evidence awareness for non-forensic personnel United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
  • Crime Scene Procedures, Indiana State Police
  • Crime Scene Protection, by D.H. Garrison, Jr.
  • Crime Scenes and Alternate Light Sources by Don Penven
  • Death Investigation: A Guide for the Scene Investigator, National Institute of Justice
  • Detecting OC Spray with an Alternative Light Source by H.W. "Rus" Ruslander
  • Detection of Inflicted Bruises by Alternate Light: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial Katherine N. Scafide Ph.D., R.N., Daniel J. Sheridan Ph.D., R.N., Nancy R. Downing Ph.D., R.N.,Matthew J. Hayat Ph.D.
  • Disaster Management by Mike Byrd
  • Don't Forget Those Standards!, by the Crime Laboratory Division, Missouri State Highway Patrol
  • Duty Description for the Crime Scene Investigator by Mike Byrd
  • Evaluating Aerial Systems for Crime-Scene Reconstruction, National Institute of Justice
  • Evidence Identification Markers at a Crime Scene by Mike Byrd
  • Examination and Documentation of the Crime Scene by George Schiro
  • Explosion and Bombing Scene Investigation, National Institute of Justice
  • Fire and Arson Scene Evidence: A Guide for Public Safety Personnel, NIJ, 2000
  • Flammable and Combustible Liquid Spill/Burn Patterns, National Institute of Justice, 2001
  • A Guide for Explosion and Bombing Scene Investigation
  • Hand-Held Multispectral Camera for Crime Scene Investigation, John Federici
  • Hazards and a Crime Scene by Mike Byrd
  • If It's There, We'll Find It! by Mike Byrd
  • Ignitable Liquid Fuel Fires in Buildings – A Study of Fire Dynamics, Christopher L. Mealy, Daniel T. Gottuk
  • Increasing Crime Scene Integrity by Creating Multiple Security Levels, by Greg Dagnan
  • Landscape Study of Alternate Light Sources, National Institute of Justice
  • Laser scanning provides important benefits for investigators, Chad McFadden
  • Practical Applications of Hydrocarbon and Photoionization Detection Units in Arson Investigations, by Matthew D. Baldwin
  • Practical Methods for Processing a Vehicle by Agnes Sarisky
  • Protecting the Crime Scene by George Schiro
  • Reaching Beyond the Norm by Mike Byrd
  • Recovery and Interpretation of Burned Human Remains, by Steven A. Symes, Ph.D; Dennis C. Dirkmaat, Ph.D.; Stephen Ousley, Ph.D., Erin Chapman,M.S., Luis Cabo, M.S.
  • Roles and Responsibilities, European Network of Forensic Science Institutes
  • Searching and Examining a Major Case Crime Scene by H.W. "Rus" Ruslander
  • Searching in Stages to Prevent Destruction of Evidence at Crime Scenes, by Greg Dagnan
  • Simple Crime Scene Sketching by Mike Byrd
  • Special Considerations for Sexual Assault Evidence by George Schiro
  • The First One, by Jason Myers
  • The Forensic Artist and the Statute of Limitations by Charles E. Holt Jr.
  • The Use of Ballistic Markers and Other Equipment for Identification of a Suspect at the Scene of the Crime, Enrique Urrutia Palmer
  • Traffic Crash Investigation by Mike Byrd
  • Want to become a crime scene investigator? Here's the real story, by Chris D. Cush
  • Wearing Gloves While Processing a Crime Scene, Steven Staggs
  • Without a Trace? Advances in Detecting Trace Evidence, National Institute of Justice
  • Written Documentation at a Crime Scene by Mike Byrd

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  • The Application of DNA Technology in England and Wales, Christopher H. Asplen
  • The Biological Evidence Preservation Handbook: Best Practices for Evidence Handlers National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • Can Jury Trial Innovations Improve Juror Understanding of DNA Evidence?, B. Michael Dann, Valerie P. Hans, and David H. Kaye
  • CODIS: Combined DNA Index System Program (brochure), Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Convicted by Juries, Exonerated by Science: Case Studies in the Use of DNA Evidence to Establish Innocence After Trial, National Institute of Justice
  • DNA Evidence Policy Considerations for the Prosecutor, American Prosecutors Research Institute
  • DNA for the Defense Bar, National Institute of Justice
  • DNA in Minor Crimes Yields Major Benefits in Public Safety, National Institute of Justice
  • DNA Mixtures: A Forensic Science Explainer, Rich Press
  • DNA Solves Property Crimes (But Are We Ready for That?), National Institute of Justice
  • DNA -- The next generation technology by Mike Byrd
  • Don't Forget Those Standards!, by the Crime Laboratory Division, Missouri State Highway Patrol
  • The FBI's DNA and Databasing Initiatives, Federal Bureau Investigation
  • Filling a Critical Need by Establishing a Fully Functioning, CODIS Dedicated Laboratory, by Bill Gartside and Scott McWilliams
  • Forensic Biology, by the Phoenix (Arizona) Police Department Crime Laboratory
  • Forensic DNA Fundamentals for the Prosecutor, American Prosecutors Research Institute
  • The Future of Forensic DNA Testing: Predictions of the Research and Development Working Group, National Institute of Justice
  • How To Handle Touch DNA, by the Crime Laboratory Division, Missouri State Highway Patrol
  • Identifying Remains: Lessons Learned From 9/11, National Institute of Justice
  • Identifying Victims Using DNA: A Guide for Families, National Institute of Justice
  • Improved Analysis of DNA Short Tandem Repeats With Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, National Institute of Justice
  • Improving Analysis of "Trace DNA" Evidence National Institute of Justice
  • Implementation of a DNA Triage and Analysis System Dedicated to Increasing the Throughput of High Volume Crimes in a Forensic Laboratory, by Elizabeth Thompson, Mary Hong, Camille Hill, Scott Scoville
  • Increasing Efficiency in Crime Laboratories, National Institute of Justice
  • Lessons Learned From 9/11: DNA Identification in Mass Fatality Incidents, National Institute of Justice
  • Making Sense of DNA Backlogs, 2010 — Myths vs. Reality, National Institute of Justice
  • Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains: The Nation's Silent Mass Disaster, National Institute of Justice
  • A More Efficient Means to Collect and Process Reference DNA Samples, by J.D. Lindstrom
  • National Forensic DNA Study Report, Smith Alling Lane, P.S.; Division of Governmental Studies and Services, Washington State University, with funding from the National Institute of Justice
  • Overview of Investigative Genetic Genealogy by The Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods
  • Persistence of Touch DNA for Analysis, National Institute of Justice
  • Persistence of Touch DNA for Analysis (Full Report), Meghan Ramsey
  • Postconviction DNA Testing Is at Core of Major NIJ Initiatives, National Institute of Justice
  • Postconviction DNA Testing: Recommendations for Handling Requests, National Institute of Justice
  • Principles of Forensic DNA for Officers of the Court, Free Online Training—National Institute of Justice
  • Reference Guide on Forensic DNA Evidence Judith A. McKenna, Joe S. Cecil, Pamela Coukos
  • Report to the Attorney General on Delays in Forensic DNA Analysis, National Institute of Justice
  • Sample Handling Considerations for Biological Evidence and DNA Extracts, by Theresa F. Spear
  • Solving Cold Cases with DNA: The Boston Strangler Case, by Philip Bulman
  • Tools for Improving the Quality of Aged, Degraded, Damaged, or Otherwise Compromised DNA Evidence, John R. Battista
  • Trace DNA from Fingernails: Increasing the Success Rate of Widely Collected Forensic Evidence, David Foran, Ph.D., Lisa Hebda M.S., Ashley Doran, M.S.
  • Understanding DNA Evidence: A Guide for Victim Service Providers, U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime
  • What Every Law Enforcement Officer Should Know About DNA Evidence, National Institute of Justice
  • Using DNA to Solve Cold Cases, National Institute of Justice

  • Documentation

  • Accuracy of Area of Origin Analysis on Textured, Wallpaper Surfaces by Gareth Griffiths, Eugene Liscio, Dean Northfield
  • Creating crime scene 3D model with body wear camera footage by Krzysztof Maksymowicz, Lukasz Szleszkowski, Aleksandra Kuzan, Wojciech Tunikowski
  •  Crime Scene Documentation by Steven Staggs
  •  Crime Scene Sketching by Steven Staggs
  • Detection of Inflicted Bruises by Alternate Light: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial Katherine N. Scafide Ph.D., R.N., Daniel J. Sheridan Ph.D., R.N., Nancy R. Downing Ph.D., R.N.,Matthew J. Hayat Ph.D.
  • Documentation of Friction Ridge Impressions: From the Scene to the Conclusion, by Alice V. Maceo
  •  Documentation of the examination of friction ridge impressions by Steven Staggs
  • Examination and Documentation of the Crime Scene by George Schiro
  • Innovative Evidence Identification Markers by Mike Byrd
  • An Introduction to Building 3D Crime Scene Models Using SketchUp, by Elissa St. Clair, Andy Maloney, and Albert Schade III
  • Laser scanning provides important benefits for investigators, Chad McFadden
  • A Practical Guide to Shooting Scene Preservation for Crime Scene Investigators, by Charles S. DeFrance and Carlo J. Rosati
  • Simple Crime Scene Sketching by Mike Byrd
  • A Simple and Quick Method of Making Sketches Using Adobe Photoshop® by Michael E. Gorn
  • Unearthing New Technology in Crime Scene Responses with Forensic Mapping by Mike Byrd
  • Written Documentation at a Crime Scene by Mike Byrd
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  • Anatomy and Physiology of Adult Friction Ridge Skin, by Alice Maceo
  • Altered Fingerprints: A Challenge to Law Enforcement Identification Efforts by the FBI
  • Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS), by Kenneth R. Moses
  • Classification and Uses of Finger Prints, Sir E. R. Henry, 1913
  • Cognitive and Contextual Influences in Determination of Latent Fingerprint Suitability for Identification Judgments, by Peter Fraser-Mackenzie, Itiel Dror, Kasey Wertheim
  • Comparison of Fingermark Detection Using Semiconductor Laser and LED Light Sources with Three Chemical Reagents, National Institute of Justice
  • Cyanoacrylate Fuming — A Mainstay of Crime Scene Investigation by Don Penven
  • Determining the Age of Fingerprints by NIST Tech Beat
  • Developing Latent Prints from Gloves by Daniel J. Rinehart
  • Developing DNA Friendly Fluorogenic Methods for Detecting, Enhancing, and Preserving Bloody and Proteinaceous Impression Evidence, Jodi Lynn Barta, Ph.D., Wilson Muse III, Ph.D., Jessica Zarate, M.S.
  •  Developing Latent Fingerprints with Black Powder by Sara Staggs
  •  Developing Latent Fingerprints with Magnetic Powder by Sara Staggs
  •  Developing Latent Fingerprints with Super Glue by Sara Staggs
  • Developing Latent Fingerprints using Colored Superglue, Roberto Alfaro
  • Developing Methods to Improve the Quality and Efficiency of Latent Fingermark Development by Superglue Fuming by Mark D. Dadmun
  • Documentation of Friction Ridge Impressions: From the Scene to the Conclusion, by Alice V. Maceo
  • Don't Forget Those Standards!, by the Crime Laboratory Division, Missouri State Highway Patrol
  • Do You Have What It Takes to be a Forensic Fingerprint Examiner?, National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • Embryology, Physiology, and Morphology, by Kasey Wertheim
  • Equipment, by Julieanne Perez-Avila
  • Error Rates for Latent Fingerprinting as a Function of Visual Complexity and Cognitive Difficulty, Jennifer Mnookin, Philip J. Kellman, Itiel Dror,Gennady Erlikhman, Patrick Garrigan, Tandra Ghose, Everett Metler, Dave Charlton
  • Establishing the Quantitative Basis for Sufficiency Thresholds and Metrics for Friction Ridge Pattern Detail and the Foundation for a Standard by Randall S. Murch, A. Lynn Abbott, Edward A. Fox, Michael S. Hsiao, and Bruce Budowle, 2012
  • Examination Methodology, by John R. Vanderkolk
  • Fingerprints and the Law, by Andre A. Moenssens and Stephen B. Meagher
  • Fingerprint Classification
  • Fingerprint Comparison
  • Fingerprint Ridge Patterns and Characteristics, a chart
  • Fingerprints — A True Science? Gary W. Jones
  • Fingerprint Sourcebook, National Institute of Justice, 2011, entire 422 page book or by chapter:
  • Forensic Comparison and Matching of Fingerprints: Using Quantitative Image Measures for Estimating Error Rates through Understanding and Predicting Difficulty by Philip J. Kellman, Jennifer L. Mnookin, Gennady Erlikhman, Patrick Garrigan, Tandra Ghose, Everett Mettler, David Charlton, Itiel E. Dror
  • Fragile (Sensitive) Fingerprint Recovery from Mylar Surface by Michael Byrd
  • Guide to Finger-Print Identification, Henry Faulds, 1905
  • History of Fingerprints, by Jeffery G. Barnes
  •  How Reliable Are Latent Fingerprint Examiners? National Institute of Justice
  • Improving the Understanding and the Reliability of the Concept of "Sufficiency" in Friction Ridge Examination, by Cedric Neumann, Christophe Champod, Mina Yoo, Thibault Genessay, Glenn Langenburg
  • Innovative Latent Print Processing Nicole Bagley and Monique Brillhart
  • Latent Blood Prints - Methods For Chemical Enhancement by Don Penven
  • Latent Fingerprints of Insufficient Value Can be Used as an Investigative Lead by Attias D, Hefetz I, Ben-Shimon E
  • Latent Print Examination and Human Factors: Improving the Practice through a Systems Approach by the Expert Working Group on Human Factors in Latent Print Analysis, National Institute of Justice
  • Latent Print Examination Process Map by the Expert Working Group on Human Factors in Latent Print Analysis, National Institute of Justice
  • Latent Print Development, by Brian Yamashita and Mike French
  • Locating and Collecting Fingerprints - Instructional Videos
  • Markup Instructions for Extended Friction Ridge Features, by National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • Miami-Dade Research Study for the Reliability of the ACE-V Process: Accuracy and Precision in Latent Fingerprint Examinations, by Igor Pacheco, Brian Cerchiai, Stephanie Stoiloff
  • New Insight into the Chemical Improvement of Shoeprints and Fingerprints Placed with Blood on Non-Porous Surfaces, Theo Velders
  • Preservation of Friction Ridge Information, by Laura A. Hutchins
  • Processing Guide for Developing Latent Prints Federal Bureau of Investigation, Laboratory Division
  • Optimized Development of Latent Fingerprints on Unfired and Fired Brass Cartridge Casings, Katie Jo Sullivan
  • Quality Assurance, by M. Leanne Gray
  • Quantitative Measures in Support of Latent Print Comparison by Sargur N. Srihari
  • Recording living and postmortem friction ridge exemplars, by Brent T. Cutro, Sr.
  • Ridge Detail at a Crime Scene by Mike Byrd
  • Science of Fingerprints: Classification and Uses, by the Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Scientific Research in the Forensic Discipline of Friction Ridge Individualization, by Glenn Langenburg
  • Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities in Forensic Expertise, by Tom Busey & Itiel Dror
  • Specific Heat Capacity Thermal Function of the Cyanoacrylate Fingerprint Development Process, by Charles A. Steele, Mason A. Hines, Lara Rutherford
  • Standard Terminology of Friction Ridge Examination, Ver. 3.0, SWGFAST
  • Systems of Friction Ridge Classification, by Laura A. Hutchins
  •  Using Mikrosil to Lift Fingerprints from Irregular Surfaces by Sara Staggs
  • Using Small Particle Reagent to obtain latent fingerprints from the adhesive side of clear plastic tape, by H.W. "Rus" Ruslander
  • Visualization of latent fingerprints on used vinyl and latex gloves using Gellifters, M.J.M. (Theo) Velders
  • We're Dyeing To ID Your Prints!, Crime Laboratory Division Missouri State Highway Patrol
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    Firearms, Toolmarks

  • Applied Research and Development of a Three-Dimensional Topography System for Firearm Identification using GelSight by Ryan Lilien
  • Application of Machine Learning to Toolmarks: Statistically Based Methods for Impression Pattern Comparisons, by Nicholas D. K. Petraco, Ph.D.; Helen Chan, B.A.; Peter R. De Forest, D.Crim.; Peter Diaczuk, M.S.; Carol Gambino, M.S., James Hamby, Ph.D.; Frani L. Kammerman, M.S.; Brooke W. Kammrath, M.A., M.S; Thomas A. Kubic, M.S., J.D., Ph.D.; Loretta Kuo, M.S.; Patrick McLaughlin; Gerard Petillo, B.A.; Nicholas Petraco, M.S.; Elizabeth W. Phelps, M.S.; Peter A. Pizzola, Ph.D.; Dale K. Purcell, M.S.; Peter Shenkin, Ph.D., 2012
  • A Computerized Database for Bullet Comparison by Consecutive Matching by Ashley Chu, David Read, David Howitt
  • A Practical Guide to Shooting Scene Preservation for Crime Scene Investigators, by Charles S. DeFrance and Carlo J. Rosati
  • ATF Police Officer's Guide to Recovered Firearms, U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
  • Bullet Holes in Plastic-Composite Material, by Jim Davidsaver
  • Bullet Trajectories at Crime Scenes, Don Penven
  •  Collecting and Packaging Firearms by Steven Staggs
  • Consecutive and Random Manufactured Semi-Automatic Pistol Breech Face and Fired Cartridge Case Evaluations, by Ashley Chu, Shannon McClorry, Roy Geiss, David Read, David Howitt, Michael Hill
  • The Current Status of GSR Examinations, Michael Trimpe
  • Don't Forget Those Standards!, by the Crime Laboratory Division, Missouri State Highway Patrol
  • FBI Laboratory Makes Tool Mark Examinations FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, September 1950
  • Firearm Examiner Training, free training — National Institute of Justice, 2011
  • Firearm Identification in the Forensic Science Laboratory, by Robert M. Thompson
  • Firearms and Toolmarks Overview by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation
  • Guide for Primer Gunshot Residue Analysis by Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry, The Scientific Working Group for Gunshot Residue (SWGGSR), 2011
  • Gun Shot Residue Testing—-Is it Still a Viable Form of Physical Evidence? by Don Penven
  • A "Hands On" Approach to Understanding Gunshot Residue, Crime Laboratory Division Missouri State Highway Patrol
  • How Far Will Shooting Distance Determination Take Your Case?, Crime Laboratory Division Missouri State Highway Patrol
  • How ATF Is Working to Improve NIBIN, John Risenhoover
  • Improve the NIBIN System by Providing Examiners a Capability to Match Infrared Images of Firing Pin Impressions and Deformed Bullets as well as Accurate Large Database Searches, by Francine Prokoski, Ph.D., 2012
  • An Inexpensive, On Camera, Laser Trajectory Device by H.W. “Rus” Ruslander
  • Is a Match Really a Match? A Primer on the Procedures and Validity of Firearm and Toolmark Identification Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Magneto-Optical Sensors Bring Obliterated Serial Numbers Back to Life by Jim Dawson
  • Optimized Development of Latent Fingerprints on Unfired and Fired Brass Cartridge Casings, Katie Jo Sullivan
  • Organic Gunshot Residue Analysis for Potential Shooter Determination by National Institute of Justice
  • Packaging Firearms by Mike Byrd
  • Performance Evaluation and Utility Assessment of Magneto-Optical Sensor Technology for Detecting and Visualizing Obliterated Serial Numbers in Firearms, by RTI International
  • Photography of Gunshot Wounds, Patrick E. Besant-Matthews
  • The Science Behind Firearm And Tool Mark Examination, by Nancy Ritter
  • Study Identifies Ways to Improve ATF Ballistic Evidence Program, by Nancy Ritter
  • Studying Fired Bullet Performance in a Unique Environment by Matthew Noedel, 2010
  • Validation and Evaluation of Magneto-Optical Imaging Technology for Recovering Obliterated Serial Numbers in Firearms, Forensic Technology Center of Excellence, National Institute of Justice
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    Footwear, Tire Track and Other Impressions

  • Analysis of Footwear Impression Evidence by Sargur N. Srihari
  •  Casting Footwear Impressions by Sara Staggs
  •  Casting Tool Mark Impressions with Mikrosil by Sara Staggs
  • Casting Two-Dimensional Bloody Shoe Prints from Concrete, Fabric, and Human Skin, by Thomas W. Adair
  • Developing and Lifting Latent Footwear Impressions by Mike Byrd
  • Differential Sampling of Footwear to Separate Relevant Evidentiary Particles from Background Noise, David A. Stoney, Paul L. Stoney
  • Digitizing Device to Capture Track Impression by Mihran Tuceryan, Jiang Yu Zheng
  • Don't Forget Those Standards!, by the Crime Laboratory Division, Missouri State Highway Patrol
  • Evaluating High Dynamic Range (HDR) Processing with Regards to the Presence of Individualizing Characteristics in Shoeprint Impressions by Kristin Rogahn
  • Extreme Tire Wear: A Useful Tool in Association and Reconstruction by Thomas W. Adair
  • Footwear and Tire Impressions Standards by the Scientific Working Group for Shoeprint and Tire Tread Evidence (SWGTREAD)
  • Footwear and Tire Track Impression Photography by Steven Staggs
  • Footwear, The Missed Evidence by Dwayne S. Hilderbrand
  • Lifting Shoe Impressions from Cylindrical Objects, by Thomas W. Adair and Richard Tewes
  • Manipulative Virtual Tools for Tool Mark Characterization, by S. Zhang, L. S. Chumbley
  • New Insight into the Chemical Improvement of Shoeprints and Fingerprints Placed with Blood on Non-Porous Surfaces, Theo Velders
  • Other Impression Evidence by Mike Byrd
  •  Photographing Footwear Impressions by Sara Staggs
  • Physical Matching Verification by Yoram Yekutieli, Yaron Shor, Sarena Wiesner, Tsadok Tsach
  • Preservation Methods and the Degradation of Dust Print Lifts by Marcy Hendricks
  • A Quantitative Assessment of Shoeprint Accidental Patterns with Implications Regarding Similarity, Frequency and Chance Association of Features, Jacqueline A. Speir
  • Research and Development of Impression Evidence, Demos Athanasopoulos, Ph.D., Adam Dale, Eric Sorrentino
  • Simple Tire Standards Collection by Mike Byrd
  • Strengthening Sulfur Casts with Plasti-Dip, by Thomas W. Adair and Richard Tewes

  • Human Remains, Death Investigation

  • Appearance of Chemical Burns Resulting from the Washing of a Deceased Body with Bleach, by Thomas W. Adair, M.S.; Michael J. Dobersen, M.D., Ph.D.; and Kelly Lear-Kaul, M.D.
  • Applying Carbon-14 Dating to Recent Human Remains, National Institute of Justice, 2012
  • Bitemark Analysis: A NIST Scientific Foundation Review by National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • Body Disposal in Homicide Valeria Flores; Hyun Kim, M.A.; Maeve Sielawa, M.A.; Paulina Malinowska, M.A., M.A.; Brian Ramanauskas, M.A.; Duke Becker; Haley LeRoux; Louis B. Schlesinger, Ph.D.; Leonard Opanashuk, J.D.; and Sarah W. Craun, Ph.D.
  • Burns, Fire and Arson Deaths and Injuries: Pointers and common errors, Patrick E. Besant-Matthews, M.D.
  • Coroner Investigations of Suspicious Elder Deaths by Laura Mosqueda, M.D., Aileen Wiglesworth, Ph.D., 2012
  • Death Investigation: A Guide for the Scene Investigator, National Institute of Justice
  • Death Investigation with Compromised Human Remains — The First Step: Identification
  • Detection of Inflicted Bruises by Alternate Light: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial Katherine N. Scafide Ph.D., R.N., Daniel J. Sheridan Ph.D., R.N., Nancy R. Downing Ph.D., R.N.,Matthew J. Hayat Ph.D.
  • Developing Regional Taphonomic Standards by Marcella H. Sorg
  • Excavations of Skeletal Remains from an Anthropological Point of View by Danny Rienhart
  • Genomic Tools to Reduce Error in PMI Estimates Derived from Entomological Evidence, Aaron M. Tarone, Christine Picard, Sing-Hoi Sze
  • Human Remains Detection with Cadaver Dogs by Allen Lowy and Pat McAlhany
  • Identifying Remains: Lessons Learned From 9/11, National Institute of Justice
  • Improving Forensic Death Investigation, Beth Pearsall, National Institute of Justice
  • Infant Death Investigation: Guidelines for the Scene Investigator, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Knife and Saw Toolmark Analysis in Bone: A Manual Designed for the Examination of Criminal Mutilation and Dismemberment, by Steven A. Symes, Ph.D., Erin N. Chapman, M.S., Christopher W. Rainwater, M.S., Luis L. Cabo, M.S., and Susan M.T. Myster, Ph.D.
  • Lessons Learned From 9/11: DNA Identification in Mass Fatality Incidents, National Institute of Justice
  • Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains: The Nation's Silent Mass Disaster, National Institute of Justice
  • Photography of Gunshot Wounds, Patrick E. Besant-Matthews
  • Recovery and Interpretation of Burned Human Remains, by Steven A. Symes, Ph.D; Dennis C. Dirkmaat, Ph.D.; Stephen Ousley, Ph.D., Erin Chapman,M.S., Luis Cabo, M.S.
  • The Corpse as a Scene by Mike Byrd
  • The Search for a Microbial Death Clock National Institute of Justice
  • Three Species of Insects Collected from an Adult Human Corpse Above 3300m in Elevation: A Review of a Case from Colorado, by Thomas W. Adair, M.S. and Boris C. Kondratieff, Ph.D.
  • Trace DNA from Fingernails: Increasing the Success Rate of Widely Collected Forensic Evidence, David Foran, Ph.D., Lisa Hebda M.S., Ashley Doran, M.S.
  • Earn a Forensics Degree


  • Addressing Shortfalls in Forensic Science Education, National Institute of Justice, 2007
  • Application of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy to Forensic Science: Analysis of Paint Samples, by Michael E. Sigman, Ph.D., Erin M. McIntee, M.S., Candice Bridge, Ph.D., 2012
  • Application of Raman Spectroscopy for an Easy-to-Use, on-Field, Rapid, Nondestructive, Confirmatory Identification of Body Fluids, by Igor K. Lednev, 2012
  • Bitemark Analysis: A NIST Scientific Foundation Review by National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories, 2009, U.S. Department of Justice, 2012
  • Communicating Forensic Science, N. J. Schweitzer
  • The Correlation and Distinguishment of Vicarious Trauma in Crime Scenes and the Psychological Effects it has on Crime Scene Investigators by Anton Ferraro
  • Crime Scene Analyst Study Guide Booklet, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
  • 'CSI Effect': Does It Really Exist?, National Institute of Justice, 2008
  • Determination of Unique Fracture Patterns in Glass and Glassy Polymers, by Frederic A. Tulleners, John Thornton, Allison C. Baca
  • Does the term "education" need to be defined as it relates to Rule 702?, Daniel J. Rinehart, Ed.S.
  • Don't Forget Those Standards!, by the Crime Laboratory Division, Missouri State Highway Patrol
  • Education and Training in Forensic Science: A Guide for Forensic Science Laboratories, Educational Institutions, and Students, National Institute of Justice
  • Ethics and Training in Forensic Science, by Jeshayah Refuge
  • Examination of Forensic Science in California, California Crime Laboratory Review Task Force, 2009
  • Forensic Evidence Admissibility and Expert Witnesses National Forensic Science Technology Center
  • Forensic Laboratories: Handbook for Facility Planning, Design, Construction, and Moving, National Institute of Standards and Technology and the National Institute of Justice, 1998
  • Forensic Science: A Time of Transformation, Jim Dawson
  • Forensic Science in Canada, The Centre for Forensic Science and Medicine, University of Toronto
  • Forensic Science in Criminal Courts: Ensuring Scientific Validity of Feature-Comparison Methods, President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology - September 2016
  • Forensic Sciences: Review of Status and Needs, National Institute of Justice, 1999
  • Handbook of Forensic Services, Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Handwriting Examiners in the Digital Age The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  • Identity Theft - A Research Review, National Institute of Justice, 2007
  • Ignitable Liquid Fuel Fires in Buildings – A Study of Fire Dynamics, Christopher L. Mealy, Daniel T. Gottuk
  • The Interview, by Steve Staggs
  • Interviewing Tips, by Thomas W. Adair
  • In Search of a Job: Criminal Records as Barriers to Employment, National Institute of Justice, 2011
  • Landscape Study of Alternate Light Sources, National Institute of Justice
  • Law 101: Legal Guide for the Forensic Expert, Doris Wells, National Institute of Justice
  • Legal Guide for the Forensic Expert, National Institute of Justice, 2012
  • Medical Examiners and Coroners' Offices, 2004, Bureau of Justice Statistics
  • National Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility for the Forensic Sciences, National Commission on Forensic Science
  • Physical Matching Verification by Yoram Yekutieli, Yaron Shor, Sarena Wiesner, Tsadok Tsach
  • Replication of Known Dental Characteristics in Porcine Skin: Emerging Technologies for the Imaging Specialist by L. Thomas Johnson, Thomas W. Radmer, Dean Jeutter, Gary L. Stafford, Joseph Thulin, Thomas Wirtz, George Corliss, Kwang Woo Ahn, Alexis Visotky, Ronald L. Groffy
  • The Role and Impact of Forensic Evidence in the Criminal Justice Process, by Joseph Peterson, Ira Sommers, Deborah Baskin, and Donald Johnson
  • Statistical Examination of Handwriting Characteristics using Automated Tools Sargur N. Srihari
  • Survey of Law Enforcement Forensic Evidence Processing, 2007, Kevin J. Strom, Jeri Ropero-Miller, Shelton Jones, Nathan Sikes, Mark Pope, and Nicole Horstmann
  • Testifying in Court as a Forensic Expert, Doris Wells, National Institute of Justice
  • Untested Evidence: Not Just a Crime Lab Issue, National Institute of Justice, 2010
  • Without a Trace? Advances in Detecting Trace Evidence, National Institute of Justice, 2003

  • Packaging Evidence

  • Best Practices for Seizing Electronic Evidence, United States Secret Service
  • The Biological Evidence Preservation Handbook: Best Practices for Evidence Handlers National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Collecting and Packaging Firearms by Steven Staggs
  • Don't Forget Those Standards!, by the Crime Laboratory Division, Missouri State Highway Patrol
  • Packaging Firearms by Mike Byrd
  • Proper Tagging and Labeling of Evidence for Later Identification by Mike Byrd
  • Earn a Forensics Degree


  • Admissibility of Digital Photographs in Court by Steven Staggs
  • The Admissibility of Digital Photographs in Criminal Cases by David P. Nagosky
  • The Admissibility of Digital Evidence in Criminal Prosecutions by Jonathan W. Hak
  • Basic Crime Scene and Evidence Photography Kit by Steve Staggs
  • Bloodstain Photography by George Schiro
  • Bloodstain Photography by Christopher Duncan
  • Broad Spectrum Aerial Photographic Analysis of Aircraft Accident Sites by SSgt Rob Jensen
  • Close-up Photography for Evidence by Steve Staggs
  • Crime Scene and Evidence Photography, 2nd Edition TEXTBOOK, by Steven Staggs, free download
  •  Crime Scene Photography — Vehicles by Steven Staggs
  • Crime Scene and Evidence Photography — Camera and Lighting by Steven Staggs
  • Crime Scene and Evidence Photography — Evidence Photography at the Crime Scene by Steven Staggs
  • Crime Scene Photography Requirements of Criminal Investigative Analysis Behavioral Science Investigative Support Unit, FBI Academy
  • Crime Scene Videography Revisited, Kevin Parmelee
  • Day and Night Real Time Signature Enhanced Crime Scene Survey Camera by Milind Mahajan, Karen Zachery, Weiya Zhang, Andrew Brackley, Xindian Long
  • Detection of Inflicted Bruises by Alternate Light: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial Katherine N. Scafide Ph.D., R.N., Daniel J. Sheridan Ph.D., R.N., Nancy R. Downing Ph.D., R.N.,Matthew J. Hayat Ph.D.
  • Digital Camera Quick Reference Guide by Erika Di Palma, Yvette Gonzalez and Roger W. Vargo
  • Digital Imaging Procedure Police Scientific Development Branch, UK, March 2002
  • Digital Photography: An In Depth Analysis of an Emerging Trend within the Computer Age by Robert B. Fried
  • Dimensional Review of Scales for Forensic Photography by Massimiliano Ferrucci, Theodore D. Doiron, Robert Thompson, John P. Jones II, Susan M. Ballou, Janice A. Neiman
  • Evaluating High Dynamic Range (HDR) Processing with Regards to the Presence of Individualizing Characteristics in Shoeprint Impressions by Kristin Rogahn
  •  Evidence Photography — Basic Concepts by Steven Staggs
  •  Evidence Photography — Fingerprints by Steven Staggs
  •  Evidence Photography — Footwear and Tire Track Impressions by Steven Staggs
  •  Evidence Photography — Alternate Light Sources by Steven Staggs
  • Exposure Basics by Bob McMicken
  • Faststone Workflow by Bob McMicken
  • Flash Fill in Crime Scene and Evidence Photography by Steve Staggs
  •  Focus Stacking in Evidence Photography by Steven Staggs
  • Footwear and Tire Track Impression Photography by Steven Staggs
  • Hand-Held Multispectral Camera for Crime Scene Investigation, John Federici
  • Importance of Still Photography at Scene of Crime: A Forensic vs. Judicial Perspective by Richa Rohatgi and A.K. Kapoor
  • Infrared Photography by Scott T. De Broux, Katherine Kay McCaul, and Sheri Shimamoto
  • Infrared Photography: A forgotten tool for investigators by Kevin Parmelee
  • Legal Considerations, Bob McMicken
  • Panoramas Simplified, Bob McMicken
  •  Panoramic Photography for Crime Scenes by Steven Staggs
  • Photogrammetry Simplified, Bob McMicken
  •  Photographing Bullet Trajectories by Steven Staggs
  •  Photographing Footwear Impressions by Sara Staggs
  • Photography of Gunshot Wounds, Patrick E. Besant-Matthews
  • Replication of Known Dental Characteristics in Porcine Skin: Emerging Technologies for the Imaging Specialist by L. Thomas Johnson, Thomas W. Radmer, Dean Jeutter, Gary L. Stafford, Joseph Thulin, Thomas Wirtz, George Corliss, Kwang Woo Ahn, Alexis Visotky, Ronald L. Groffy
  • Resizing Digital Images to Actual Size (1:1) Using Adobe® Photoshop®, by Guy Pierce
  • Technical Advances in the Visual Documentation of Crime Scenes, National Institute of Justice
  •  Traffic Collision Photography by Steven Staggs
  •  Using High Dynamic Range (HDR) in Crime Scene and Evidence Photography by Steven Staggs
  • Use of Reflective Ultraviolet Photography to Photo-Document Brusing to Children by Patrick Cochran
  • Using Video to Record Crime Scenes by Steve Staggs
  • Video Guidelines for Evidence Scenes by Peter William Thomas
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